Mentor Program – how to get into the design thinking mindset


Speexx launched a program in 2021 where employees could learn new skills from experienced colleagues. Since there was an interest from various colleagues, I was asked to teach on “how to get a design thinking mindset”?


This was my first experience teaching or mentoring others in what I have learned in my career and life. The major part of the challenge was to get non-designers into a design thinking mindset and teach how they could benefit from using design models and methods to solve complex problems.


The focus of the program was “design thinking process and mindset and user experience foundations.” I built a study plan for my two mentees during the program, including reading and practical material. We had a meeting every 3 weeks where I held presentations and organised workshops.


After my mentees understood the fundamentals of a “design thinking approach”, they selected a project to which they could apply this process. During this phase, I kept supporting them by iterating over how to correctly address the project and by providing relevant material.


My mentees started embracing a design thinking mindset. Where they initially didn’t really understand what “design thinking” meant, they now see the value of applying it to their projects.

A personal achievement was that I realised how much I enjoy teaching and mentoring other people and that it is something I want to continue doing.


  • Design thinking, UX, mentoring, learning, workshops.


  • 2021