Design Thinking and Co-creation Workshops


To encourage people’s creativity during complex projects, I held multiple design thinking workshops. This has also proven to be a good way to boost collaboration and finding feasible solutions in a timely manner.


Initially it was challenging to convince people to change their way of approaching projects. After showing the benefits of doing workshops over the usual alignment meeting, this became the more favoured approach.


I have been involved in different projects to hold and coordinate workshops that explore new ideas for solving complex problems or to improve current processes. Various design methods have been used during the sessions, including:

– brainstorming;
– ideation
– card sorting;
– co-creation.


Introducing design thinking workshops changed the way projects are approached in various departments. This led to an increase in requests for workshops to improve collaboration and creativity.


  • Design thinking, co-creation, workshops.


  • 2019 – present


  • #design thinking, #business processes