BMW – Path of trust


In my second semester of the study Design Management, we got the opportunity to work closely with BMW. They were trying to make people aware of the products they offer besides vehicles. Therefore, BMW asked the students of the study to research the best approach for doing this.


At the start of the project, the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in Europe. This new law made BMW hesitant to whether people were willing to share their data, which they wanted to use to improve the user experience.


We ran interviews and observations with loyal and non-loyal BMW customers to learn how much they know about all BMW services and products and how important GDPR regulation would affect user experiences.


Based on the research, we built user journeys to identify users’ pains and gains. Subsequently, we ran a design thinking workshop to build a concept that would bring users closer to BMW’s portfolio both online and offline.


In our research, we were able to take away the concern BMW had regarding the GDPR. Because of the well established reputation of BMW, the majority of customers would consent with sharing their data with the company.

We delivered a blueprint, including a new user journey, on how the awareness of BMW’s products could grow. This blueprint focussed on how loyal customers would act as promoters to potential new customers. Additionally, our final findings also learned that GDPR consents don’t significantly impact people’s online experiences.


  • Digital transformation, user research, GDPR compliance, design thinking, UX concept.


  • 2018 - 2019


  • Lea AI Dleptani, Huliana Formentini.