Marketplace native app


The marketplace was initially designed for desktop performance due to assumptions that truckoo’s users are always in their offices to make transactions. Therefore, the mobile versions had significant UX/UI issues. The main challenge here was to design for heavy mobile users but not high technology adopters.


The marketplace of truckoo was designed for desktop performance due to assumptions that the users were always in their offices and not high technology adopters. The responsiveness of the product was not properly thought through either. The main challenge here was to understand better why truckoo’s users wanted to have the product on their phones and what were the major pain points they presented. 


As a starting point, we revised quantitative data, such as heat maps, which helped us develop some preliminary hypotheses. Afterwards, we conducted user interviews to corroborate our analysis and immerse us better in their context. Some key findings were that our users are always on the road and have very little time in their office; also, they did not understand how the negotiation process worked without assistance, endless scrolling, and no visible filters, among others.


The research helped us to understand the context better. So we started by defining “dynamic selves” as an alternative for personas. After we defined goals and limitations with the team. Having clear business and user goals helped us focus on prototyping the most relevant user flows, testing with users tested, and a constant iteration with the DEV team to keep the scope reachable.


We ran usability testing with 5 users that matched the characteristics of our “dynamics selves”. They gave us crucial feedback before the final design and development. We also validated if the hypothesis of the app being on apple and google stores would increase our users’ trust. 


We provided the DEV team with the final design and specifications. We had constant iterations to launch the first version of the app. We are planning a second round of improvements and new features in the upcoming months.  


The app has been live for a few months already. Some of our users have migrated entirely to the native app, and the number of calls regarding the marketplace’s functionality is decreasing gradually. Another essential gain was the update of mobile components for our design system (Figma libraries and storybook), making them readable, appealing and matching some brand updates.


  • 2022


  • User research, UX concept, UI design.


  • Cross-functional team.