A new way of communication for the customer success management (CSM) team

Designed with passion


With the growth of Speexx as a learning platform, the number of support cases also increased. Contrarily to the support process for users of the learning platform, the contact process for customers didn’t change: all cases were still handled by e-mail. To improve the efficiency of the communication between customers and Speexx’s various departments, we initiated this project.


One of the prerequisites of this project, was that the new processes needed to work seamlessly with the (communication) tools that were already used by Speexx. This was to prevent employees from having to learn a new tool and to ensure that the tool would fit with other (internal) processes. After getting an overview of the existing tools, we concluded that adapting the existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software was the most suitable option.

A requirement from the CSM team was to be able to track the communication between Speexx’s departments and the customers. Tracking support cases was especially challenging for Speexx’s CSM team. They received e-mails from different channels and didn’t have an easy way to track what was communicated for a specific support case.


For the new app in the CRM software, we used a lean startup model approach. We ran 3 usability testing cycles with the CSM team to constantly learn, measure and improve the app we were building.


We launched the new communication CSM tool across the company after having a satisfactory rate on a usability metric scale. The CSM team was pretty excited to move from a traditional email system to the new communication tool built on the CRM software.

Note: the fact that the CSM team was constantly involved in the process and the design decisions, made the transition smooth.


  • User research, UX concept, lean startup model, UI design.


  • 2020 – present


  • Business process team.